MegaNet™ Advantages

  • High power system – True 2 Watts at low frequency 
  • Real-time reads and fault detection
  • Long Range - tens of miles from meter to water utility office
  • RF BackHaul (unique End to End RF System)
  • Reduced infrastructure maintains low lifetime cost
  • Obtain readings automatically regardless of weather
  • Meter Independence - interface with all meters
  • Support Indoor, Outdoor, and PIT installation
  • Instant verification upon installation
  • Improved customer service and water conservation
  • System operates on a protected FCC licensed frequency
  • Instant On Demand read (2 way)
  • Supports Remote Disconnect Valves
  • Zero running costs
  • Intuitive user-friendly software – no need for IT department and lengthy training 
  • Security System Capability already built into System
  • Lowest cost per read - No gas, vehicles, insurance, or other liability issues
  • No third party involvement - no need for secondary systems